

F/W 2023

Once Again, nature surprises us with a beautiful animal fiber, capable of combining feelings of comfort and refinement.

LlamaSoft TM is unique not only in its diverse range of delicate natural colors, but also in the marvelous benefits it provides such as thermic insulation, natural luster and hypoallergenic features.

Altifibers, through its patented dehairing technology, is able to offer the finest fiber of the Bolivian highland ́s camelids and turn it into exclusive yarns with qualities that transcend both time and fashion.

Feel The softness of Los Andes

LlamaSoft TM the New Authentic Fiber

LlamaSoft TM

Altifibers is one of the few companies of the world who has developed an industrial dehaired process of llama, obtaining the new authentic fiber, light, soft and trendy: LlamaSoft TM.


Minimum Order per color40 Kg
Minimum Sampling Order per Color10 Kg


Cones1/2/3 Kg
Donut or Hanks (Regular/Flat)50 or 100 gr

 Finishing Instructions

To maximize softness and bulkiness of the product, we suggest a delicate soaking in water 30ºC with softener for 3 minutes.

Steaming is highly recommended.

dare yourself

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Our sales staff is ready to serve you.


Av. Hilbo Nro. 64

Zona Pucarani Industrial


(+591) 2850615 - 78770130


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